Intro to Older Piece of Writing

I perceived the purpose of this essay was to explain the reason behind this painting. The professor of this course made us go to an art museum as a class and pick out one painting that meant something to us. This was the piece that related to me the most because it’s still happening. I don’t recall the intended audience for this essay. By the look of the way this paper is written I’m going to assume that the intended audience would be peers and scholars. When I wrote this piece I asked myself how does this relate to me and is it relevant to today’s time. After answering these questions and realizing how much the artwork is close to me it really helped me write this paper. After writing this piece I realized a picture has a thousand words behind it. I also learned that the same picture can be interpreted in many ways from different views. My strength in this piece was this entire piece in my opinion. When someone can relate to a topic and have to write about it, one’s true feelings and knowledge comes out and you can catch sight of how one truly feels. I don’t think I really had any weaknesses in this piece.I don’t think this assignment had an effect on my understanding the of the term “voice in writing”.